
马斯克又搞黑科技!‘澳门bet356体育在线官网安装’发布日期:2024-10-05 01:15:01 浏览次数:522
本文摘要:Neuralink, Elon Musks startup thats trying to directly link brains and computers, has developed a system to feed thousands of electrical probes into a brain and hopes to start testing the technology on humans in in 2020, Chief Executive Elon Musk revealed.伊隆·马斯克的企业Neutralink(神经相连)致力于将大脑和计算机必要连接,早已研发出有了一个系统,能将大量电子探针植入大脑。

Neuralink, Elon Musks startup thats trying to directly link brains and computers, has developed a system to feed thousands of electrical probes into a brain and hopes to start testing the technology on humans in in 2020, Chief Executive Elon Musk revealed.伊隆·马斯克的企业Neutralink(神经相连)致力于将大脑和计算机必要连接,早已研发出有了一个系统,能将大量电子探针植入大脑。首席执行官伊隆·马斯克透漏,这家企业期望在2020年开始在人类身上试验这项技术。And its working already in animal tests. A monkey has been able to control a computer with his brain, Musk said at a San Francisco livestreaming the presentation on YouTube Tuesday, revealing even more research results than the companys scientists expected.这在动物身上有效地。“猴子可以用大脑掌控计算机了。


Neuralinks initial goal is to help people deal with brain and spinal cord injuries or congenital defects, Musk said.马斯克说道,Neurallink最初的目标是协助脑和脊柱受损的以及有先天性缺失的人。The technology could help paraplegics who have lost the ability to move or sense because of spinal cord injury -- a medical treatment thats a lot less shocking than radical sci-fi ideas like consensual telepathy.这项技术可以协助因脊柱伤势而丧失行动感觉能力的中断患者。这种疗法不像保守的科幻小说中的“心电感应”那么震惊。But the long-term goal is to build a digital superintelligence layer to link humans with artificial intelligence, a technology he views as an existential threat to humanity.但是长年目标是创建一个“数字超强智能层”,将人类与人工智能连接起来。

这项技术在他显然是对人类不存在方面的威胁。Ultimately, we can do a full brain-machine interfaces where we can achieve a sort of symbiosis with AI, Musk said. One goal along the way will be letting people type 40 words per minute just by thinking.马斯克说道,“最后,我们可以作出几乎的大脑-机器模块。这样我们就能与AI达成协议共生关系。

”一个一路上的目标是让人们一分钟打40个字,光靠想要。Neuralink has the potential to dramatically reshape both computing and humanity -- if it and like-minded researchers can persuade regulators and society at large that we should be directly wired to machines.如果Neuralink和志同道合的研究员们可以劝说监管者和整个社会,让我们必要与机器连接,那么Neuralink有潜力来大幅度重构计算机技术和人类。

Thats a big if. The challenges are immense when it comes to developing the technology, making it practical and affordable, and convincing people its safe and desirable.不确定性相当大。挑战极大,必须发展技术,让技术显得实际、负担得起,劝说人们技术是安全性是非的。

The startup uses sewing machine-like technology this year to drill small holes into brains and insert super-slender electrodes called threads, steering clear of blood vessels as they go.这家企业今年用缝纫机一样的技术在头上铁环小孔,放入极细的叫作线的电极,同时避免血管。

